CREATIVEGoddess Blog
New Blog Home:
I've secretly fallen in love with Wordpress as a blogging tool; it has more dynamic capabilities than my former home.
CREATIVEGoddess Blog (screen capture)
(Click to enlarge)
- I found a template that I've been able to customize to look very, very similar to my new e-Commerce site.
- I can create additional pages that will allow me to post freebies and imagery -I've already got a few populated with current and upcoming contests and a free Wallpaper archive.
- The entries are also truncated for quicker reading. You can click either the headline or the link at the bottom that states, "Continue reading...." to pick up the remaining story along with the comments. If you've previously read the topic, you can push right past it to get to older posts.
- More ways to search via categories or key words.
- Snapshots is enabled to let you see an image of the Web site that's linked before you actually take it. I like that!
- The front page allows you can see which topics are the most popular; who has commented and on what topic.