Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Annual Wine Label: Fusion

Each autumn, we strive to come up with a snarky influenced wine label. When given the opportunity, we'll present it to our friends who host the not-so-consecutive Halloween party. This year's wine label features Andrew's spinal fusion he endeavored last November.

We told Andrew's surgeon that it would be this year's holiday card, but he doesn't believe us -wish I could be the postman that delivers that card.

Happy Halloween!


Madam said...

That is Wild!!! Save a label for us!!!

Fr.Bob said...

Wow! Yes that is wild! Do you suppose anyone would drink the wine after seeing the label? ? ? Oh I forget, Wine bottles now have wild labels. Remember the "Cat's Piss on a goosberry bush" that we broul\ght back from Canada last year ? As Mother/madam says, Please Save us a label ! ! !