A couple of mantras for those wishing to pursue the personal luxury of buying art:
Art, good or bad, is never to match one's couch.
Art is like wine: If you like it, buy it, drink it, and enjoy it.
Art is personal.
Art Speaks. One may not like the message, but art has something to say and in a visual way, it helps one verbalize that message.
But, for the love of Dog, please stay in touch with the artist when you purchase her art. I recently submitted work for a juried show and one specific rule for selling one's work through the gallery was:
Buyer information released at discretion of buyer and may not be available to the artist.It's not that we want to plague you with mailings, but the upswing of staying in touch is that both you and the artist can celebrate the valuation through the years. This also helps us keeps you apprised of our events and evolution as an artist.
We learn from the masters when it comes to certificates of authenticity and ownership. We hope that when you purchase a piece of art from a gallery, that you will allow the gallery to forward your name to the artist. It was because of that clause that I allowed the pieces to be shown, but not to be sold; the gallery however, will provide interested parties w/my information. With this in mind, I created a packet with several copies of my bio and postcards. I keep in touch with all of my buyers and enjoy hearing from them now and again.
Shameless Plug: If you like my work, please enroll in my Mewsletter to remain apprised of my events on CalligraphyPets, ECStewart Collections, and other work I may evolve into as a creative goddess.